Travel in Tuscany by John Mulholland
Where to go and what to do - a personal view. I arrived in Tuscany 37 years ago at the age of 19. From my first days in the region (Italy is divided into regions [...]
Something to Ponder: by George Carlin
It is ironic George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent and so very appropriate. This is what he writes about the paradoxes of our pragmatic culture. [...]
Italian Idioms, By Alexandra Salivia
Italy is as rich in proverbs and idiomatic expressions as it is rich in excellent wine and fine art. Linguists agree that the true measure of language acquisition and fluency resides in the integration of [...]
Non ditemi che non siete raggianti, che non siete saltati dalla sedia, che non avete gridato il nome dell’Italia a squarciagola! L’italia è campione del mondo di calcio per la quarta volta, un traguardo che [...]
It was a brisk autumnal morning Friday October 26th when we set off with two visiting friends from Germany and Jamaica on our odyssey to the shrines of the Civil Rights era in Alabama, snaking [...]
Many of you will be traveling to Italy in the coming months and I would like to share the festivals and events that are happening in Italy. I have compiled a list of fun festivals [...]
I have to admit it, it does bother me. Looks like it’s something cool to say just to have a reaction. It happens to me all the time. «I’m Italian» they say. “No you are [...]
SPECIAL EVENTS THE 2013 ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL: ONLY FIVE WEEKS LEFT TO OPENING NIGHT! With the 2013 Academy Awards still fresh, it could not be more appropriate talking a about Italian cinematography. The Italian Film [...]